Lunchtime Conversations About Open Spaces

The Chamber’s Ag & Natural Resources Committee began hosting “Lunchtime Conversations About Open Spaces” in January 2020. The committee held two sessions before putting the series on hold due to the pandemic. In 2022, the committee brought them back, and they have continued each year since.

During each session, the topic will be interactively explored with attendees with the focus on what is balanced use of our open space, and can we continue to balance that use into the future? Each session will also discuss the importance of open spaces to our community’s economy and culture now and into the future. Attendees are encouraged to join in with questions and discussion.

For more information, call the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce at (307) 672-2485 or visit

2025 lunchtime conversations about open spaces

Small Acreage Management

The Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce’s Ag & Natural Resources Committee will again host “Lunchtime Conversations About Open Spaces” on Tuesdays, Jan. 28, Feb. 25, March 25 and April 22, 2025, at 12 p.m. at Luminous Brewhouse, 504 Broadway St. in Sheridan.

This year’s series will focus on “Small Acreage Management.” Micah Most of the University of Wyoming Extension Office, along with additional experts and the audience, will explore what role small acreage management plays in maintaining open space and how it contributes to our vibrant community. They’ll also look at the challenges and how to be good stewards of small acreage today and in the future. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and comments for this interactive dialogue.

Each session will be held from 12 to 1 p.m. at Luminous Brewhouse. All sessions are free to attend and open to everyone. No registration is necessary. Participants are encouraged to bring their lunch. Beverages will be available for purchase at Luminous.

For more information, call the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce at (307) 672-2485.