Candidate Forum for Primary Election Candidates Set for June 26


The Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce’s Government Affairs Committee is hosting a Candidate Forum for the primary election candidates on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 6 p.m. at the WYO Theater.

The forums provide an opportunity for those running in contested races for elected office in the Aug. 20, 2024, primary election to share information about themselves and their platforms. Each candidate will give a brief introduction, followed by a Q&A period and a closing statement.

The forum will host primary candidates for city and county races, including County Commissioners, Sheridan City Council and City of Sheridan Mayor. In addition, candidates for United States Senator and Representative, State Senator for District 22 and State Representatives for District 30 and District 40 have been invited. Communications regarding the candidate forum will be sent to the contact information provided by each candidate in their filing.

Questions for the candidates may be submitted in advance to the Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee for the committee’s consideration. The deadline to submit questions is 5 p.m. on Monday, June 24, 2024. Questions should be emailed to or delivered to the Chamber office at 54 S. Main St. in Sheridan.

All questions will be asked by the moderator. Due to time limitations, no direct questions from the audience will be allowed.

The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. The forum will be recorded and available within 48 hours on the Chamber’s YouTube channel and website,

The schedule and names of candidates attending will be available prior to the forum via local media and the Chamber’s newsletter, website and social media.

For more information, contact the Chamber at (307) 672-2485.

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