Feb. 28 Lunchtime Conversations About Open Spaces to Focus on Water


The next session of the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce Ag & Natural Resources Committee’s “Lunchtime Conversations About Open Spaces” on Tuesday, Feb. 28, will focus on water. The discussion begins at 12 p.m. and will be held at Luminous Brewhouse, 504 Broadway St. in Sheridan.

Discussion will revolve around the question “how do we work with limits to water and other infrastructure to plan for open space and meet open space values?” During each session, the topic will be interactively explored with attendees with the focus on what is balanced use of our open space, and can we continue to balance that use into the future? Each session will also discuss the importance of open spaces to our community’s economy and culture now and into the future.

All sessions are free to attend and open to everyone. No registration is necessary. Bring your lunch and your questions and comments to join the conversation.

For more information, call the Chamber at 672-2485.

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