Chamber to Relaunch ‘Lunchtime Conversations About Open Spaces’ Series Feb. 22
The Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce’s Ag & Natural Resources Committee announces the return of its “Lunchtime Conversations About Open Spaces” program on Tuesday, Feb. 22, at 12 p.m. at Luminous Brewhouse, 504 Broadway St. in Sheridan.
The committee started the series in early 2020 with 155 people attending the first two sessions. The program was put on hold due to the pandemic. The committee will relaunch the full series, beginning with “The Role of Public Land and Private Working Lands,” which will recap the first two sessions from 2020. Panelists will be representatives from Sheridan County Travel & Tourism, Wyoming Wilderness Association, Chase Brothers, LLC, and The Masters Ranch.
During each session, a panel of representatives from area businesses and organizations will jumpstart the conversation and interactively explore with attendees what is balanced use of our open space, and can we continue to balance that use into the future? They’ll also discuss the importance of open spaces to our community’s economy and culture now and into the future. Attendees are encouraged to join in with questions and discussion.
Upcoming conversations include “Outdoor Recreation and Its Impacts” on March 22, “Effects of Land Use Policies” on April 26 and “Where Do We Go from Here?” on May 24.
Each session will be held from 12 to 1 p.m. at Luminous Brewhouse with attendees welcome to stay after for further discussion. Participants are welcome to bring lunch. There is no cost to attend the series.
For more information, call the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce at (307) 672-2485 or visit