Take the Pledge Local Challenge!


Take the PLEDGE LOCAL CHALLENGE! Show your support for our local businesses who support our community all year!

  1. Take the Pledge to be a PLEDGE LOCAL CHAMPION – Purchase and redeem at least $50 in Chamber Bucks between June 15 and July 31. You can take the pledge and order Chamber Bucks online or in person at the Chamber Office, 24 S. Main St.
  2. Issue the Challenge – Challenge at least 2 of your friends, family, co-workers, businesses to “Join me in becoming a Pledge Local Champion!”

Chamber Bucks ordered online will be available within 2 business days. Pick up Chamber Bucks at the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce Office at 24 S. Main St., Sheridan, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Curbside pick up and limited delivery are available. Please call us at 672-2485 to make arrangements.

All Pledge Local Champions will be entered into weekly drawings for $100 in Chamber Bucks and a grand prize drawing for $500 in Chamber Bucks!

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