Take the Pledge Local Challenge!
Take the PLEDGE LOCAL CHALLENGE! Show your support for our local businesses who support our community all year!
- Take the Pledge to be a PLEDGE LOCAL CHAMPION – Purchase and redeem at least $50 in Chamber Bucks between June 15 and July 31. You can take the pledge and order Chamber Bucks online or in person at the Chamber Office, 24 S. Main St.
- Issue the Challenge – Challenge at least 2 of your friends, family, co-workers, businesses to “Join me in becoming a Pledge Local Champion!”
Chamber Bucks ordered online will be available within 2 business days. Pick up Chamber Bucks at the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce Office at 24 S. Main St., Sheridan, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Curbside pick up and limited delivery are available. Please call us at 672-2485 to make arrangements.
All Pledge Local Champions will be entered into weekly drawings for $100 in Chamber Bucks and a grand prize drawing for $500 in Chamber Bucks!