Manufacturing Day

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On the first Friday of October each year, the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with local manufacturers and Manufacturing Works, celebrates national Manufacturing Day.

Manufacturing Day is an annual national event to showcase modern manufacturing technology and to help shape people’s perceptions about today’s manufacturing environment. The annual celebration also is an opportunity to draw attention to the outstanding opportunities that a career in manufacturing can provide.

“Manufacturing Day is an opportunity to highlight modern manufacturing—a vibrant and growing industry that offers diverse, high-paying career opportunities,” said Dixie Johnson, chief executive officer of the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce. “Our events in Sheridan, and the larger Manufacturing Day initiative, allow manufacturing companies like ours to showcase what manufacturing is really about. We are proud to highlight the innovative work local companies are doing and hope our events inspire the next generation of workforce talent to pursue a rewarding career in manufacturing.”

To mark the event, the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce’s Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Committee works with local manufacturers to compile a schedule of tours for the event.


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