
Tax-Friendly Wyoming

The positive condition of Wyoming’s state finances makes Wyoming “tax friendly” to residents and businesses alike. The state’s largest source of revenue is mineral extraction, with the second being the tourism industry, resulting in one of the lowest tax burdens in the country. 

Our Tax Structure for Individuals

State Personal Income Tax NONE
State Estate (Inheritance) Tax NONE
Sheridan County or City Earnings Tax NONE
Sheridan County Sales Tax
(no sales tax on groceries/food for home consumption)
Residential Property Tax Click here for details.
Vehicle Registration Fees Click here for details.

Our Tax Structure for Businesses

State Corporate Income Tax NONE
State Inventory Tax NONE
Sheridan County Sales Tax 6%
Commercial Property Tax
(Example: on $1 million property in the City of Sheridan)
Click here for details.

$6,793 annually




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