Chamber Accepting Nominations for 2019 Awards of Excellence

The Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce is currently accepting nominations for the 2019 Awards of Excellence, which recognize and honor businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals for their contributions to the community.

Anyone may submit nominations through midnight Monday, Sept. 16. The link to the nomination form as well as descriptions of the awards are available HERE.

All nominations will be submitted to the Chamber’s Business Awards Task Force for consideration. The task force will select five nominees for each award, and voting will open the last week of October. Voting is open to Chamber members and their employees.

Nominations are being accepted for the following awards:

Key Service Award
This award honors a Chamber member non-profit organization that has made a significant impact in Sheridan County: a non-profit that serves with enthusiasm and dedication, addressing needs in the community and aligning the vision of its organization for maximum effectiveness.
2018 Recipient: Advocacy & Resource Center

Strength of Sheridan
This award honors a Chamber member business or organization that has a long and distinguished tenure in the community (20+ years): an organization that demonstrates consistent service, continually invests in the community, and demonstrates sustained quality performance.
2018 Recipient: Whitney Benefits

Spirit of Sheridan
This award honors a business or individual who volunteers countless hours for the betterment of the Chamber and Sheridan County: demonstrates vision, ambition, and drive to serve the community and the mission of the Chamber, understanding a community thrives when those in it invest and contribute to its success.
2018 Recipient: Amy Albrecht

Chamber Award of Excellence: Small Business
(under 20 full-time employees)
This award honors a Chamber member small business that demonstrates steady growth, solid leadership and a strong commitment to the success of the Sheridan area. This business shows innovation in strategic planning, employee development, and customer service and is actively involved in the betterment of the community.
2018 Recipient: Landon’s Greenhouse & Nursery, Inc.

Chamber Award of Excellence: Large Business
(20 or more full-time employees)
This award honors a Chamber member large business that maintains consistent growth and strong performance, understands its customer, has an engaged workforce with effective leadership, and is continually innovating to support future growth. This business not only invests in its continued success, but also invests its resources in the success of the community.
2018 Recipient: Kennon

Business Person of the Year
This award honors a Chamber member business person who shows outstanding business acumen and strong leadership in business and community efforts. This person is a champion for economic development, constantly strives to exceed customer expectations, delivers industry leading standards of service and quality, and exhibits innovation in business development.
2018 Recipient: Jessica Garrelts



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